Our annual Pumpkin Extravaganza will be on Sunday, Oct. 15 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Annex!
Here are all the details you need to know:
• Who's invited?
Everyone! All ages will find something fun to do at Pumpkin Extravaganza!
• What does it cost?
For the most part, this is a FREE event. However, if you would like to carve/paint/or take home a pumpkin, the cost of pumpkins are:
Full Size Pumpkins...$6 each
Small Pumpkins...$3 each
• What's the schedule?
Doors Open...4 p.m.
(Food is ready, Pumpkin carving begins)
Chili Cookoff winners announced...4:45 p.m.
Trunk-or-Treat Opens...5 p.m.
Trunk-or-Treat CLoses...6 p.m.
Pumpkin Carving Contest, judging begins...6:30 p.m.
Event Ends...7 p.m.
• What's to eat?
Chili...lots of chili and all the fixings! We also will have grilled hot dogs, chips, and dessert.
• How do I participate in the Chili Cookoff?
Bring your favorite chili recipe (already cooked), preferably in a heated container (e.g. a crockpot). If you do not have a heated container, just make sure the chili is hot. Please have your chili at the Annex by 3:45 the day of the event. CLICK HERE to sign up!